TET-9 Turf Edge Trimmer

TET-9 is a walk behind turfedge trimmer.

Edge: Edging along side walks and driveways is quick and easy when used in the horizontal.

positionTrim: Grass can’t hide under fences or around trees when you slide the front wheels to the side and adjust the cutter headto trim those hard to reach areas.

Bevel: The fingertip blade control adjusts to eight positions to give your flower and tree beds a unique look.

Main feature

Main feature:

TET-9 is a walk behind turfedge trimmer.

Edge: Edging along side walks and driveways is quick and easy when used in the horizontal.

positionTrim: Grass can’t hide under fences or around trees when you slide the front wheels to the side and adjust the cutter headto trim those hard to reach areas.

Bevel: The fingertip blade control adjusts to eight positions to give your flower and tree beds a unique look.



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