DKTD1200 ATV Top Dresser

DKTD1200 topdresser adoptsKubota 3-cylinder diesel engine withstrong power.

The transmission system adopts fullhydraulic drive, and the rear wheel2WD is standard.

4WD can be selected according tocustomer requirements.

Meet the job requirements ofdifferent customers.

The body adopts a bent waistdesign, which has the characteristicsofsmall turning, radius and flexibleoperation.


DKTD1200 topdresser adoptsKubota 3-cylinder diesel engine withstrong power.

The transmission system adopts fullhydraulic drive, and the rear wheel2WD is standard.

4WD can be selected according tocustomer requirements.

Meet the job requirements ofdifferent customers.

The body adopts a bent waistdesign, which has the characteristicsofsmall turning, radius and flexibleoperation.



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