LM120 Football Field Line Marker

The chassis is made of stainless steel. This is the best quality materials that you can see in the market.

Solid puncture-proof wheels offer consistently smooth operation on any grass surface.

The KASHIN LM120 is a wheel-to-wheel marker that applies paint by transferring paint to the grass via 3 transfer wheels

18-litre central paint reservoir capacity allowing you to mark over 2 full size footabll pitches.

The KASHIN LM120 has width 120mm.

Line marking paint can remain in the bucket until the next pitch marking.
The removable drain plug allows you to easily empty paint for cleaning.

Weighs approsimately 30kg when boxed.

Main feature

Main feature:

The chassis is made of stainless steel. This is the best quality materials that you can see in the market.

Solid puncture-proof wheels offer consistently smooth operation on any grass surface.

The KASHIN LM120 is a wheel-to-wheel marker that applies paint by transferring paint to the grass via 3 transfer wheels

18-litre central paint reservoir capacity allowing you to mark over 2 full size footabll pitches.

The KASHIN LM120 has width 120mm.

Line marking paint can remain in the bucket until the next pitch marking.
The removable drain plug allows you to easily empty paint for cleaning.

Weighs approsimately 30kg when boxed.



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