TB220 Turf Brush / Turf Grooming Brush

Manufacturer of turf brush, sweeping turf brush, lawn brush, sod brush, golf course brush, TB220 brush, sweep turf brush, turf grooming brush, sports field drag brush in China.

The sand can be buried deep in the grass, and it can also remove the dead grass leaves in the lawn, allowing the overwhelmed grass to stand upright.

It is also a good helper for the maintenance of artificial turf.


KASHIN TB220 Sweeping Turf Brush is a heavy-duty, but light weight, towed brush system for brushing in top-dressing on greens and other fine turf surfaces.
The brush unit is freefloating, and has the option to lock-out either the front or rear brush as required.

Other features include:
7 quick and accurate brush height adjustments,
Quick attachment,
Adjustable hitch height,
Sealed chain guards,
Integrated vertical storage facility.

KASHIN TB220 Grooming Brush is a versatile, labor-saving grooming tool for turf that improves the appearance, playing quality, and growing conditions of golf courses and sports fields. And it is also an affordable investment for a turf manager’s program from 9 hole courses to major tournament venues.

KASHIN TB220 Turf Brush is used for several routine maintenance tasks including GROOMING – lifting the long, laid-over grass blades so a mower can cleanly cut them; for MOVING TOPDRESSING into the canopy of the turf; and it’s perfect for BACKFILLING voids after aerifying, spiking, or verticutting procedure

Many different vehicles can be used to tow the KASHIN TB220 Turf Brush. An industrial grade electric actuator raises or lowers the slowly spinning brushes in less than 4 seconds! This allows the operator to “stripe” the turf area with the brush if desired.

KASHIN TB220 Turf Brush is a product that makes tow sand nets withdraw from the market into history. It has high working efficiency and excellent effect, which is unmatched by tow sand nets.



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