SPH180 Spring Tines Harrow

The Verti-Rake de-compacts the turf surface using thin spring-loaded and flexible tines which scratch through the infill while lifting the turf fibers to stand up like new. The Verti-Rake is ideal to use on those occasions when the turf fibers are become covered by infill due to a variety of causes.


Key features of the verti-rake

The Verti-Rake’s spring tines scratch between the turf blades and loosen the thatch so oxygen and nutrients can be more easily introduced into the surface area, resulting in a healthier playing field.
The Verti-Rake can also be used to create a seed bed before overseeding.
The adjustable tine angle allows for the aggression to be altered while the working depth can be further adjusted for perfect results.
The tines are integrated in a special protection device that will prevent the loss of tines during operation
During field construction the Verti-Rake is ideal to work the infill in, while the rakes are pulling the fibers up.



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